Pages: 448,
Specialties: Surgery, UK - MRCS,
Publisher: Taylor & Francis,
Publication Year: 2016,
Cover: Paperback,
Dimensions: 156x234x25.4mm
Success in any exam requires careful preparation, background reading and, importantly, prior self-assessment. Containing 1000 Single Best Answer (SBA) questions for the MRCS Part A, this book offers surgical trainees a wealth of exam practice, written and edited by expert authors with recent experience of the MRCS syllabus. Get Through MRCS Part A: SBAs covers the entire syllabus, split into sections on pathology, applied surgical anatomy and physiology. Each question is accompanied by a detailed answer together with a road map highlighting important topics. Written by surgeons, for surgeons, working your way through this book is the best practise for your MRCS Part A more