Pages: 240,
Specialty: Nursing,
Publisher: F.A. Davis,
Publication Year: 2008,
Cover: Spiral bound,
Dimensions: 88.9x152.4x20.32mm
This handy, pocket-sized guide by Marjory Gordon uses functional health patterns to help your students acquire the most relevant assessment data to determine nursing diagnoses, and to select the most appropriate nursing interventions - emphasizing the essential connection between diagnostic judgment and therapeutic judgment.It offers a brief overview of assessment and functional health patterns. It emphasizes how to conduct a nursing focused, holistic assessment and the pertinent findings from the physical examination supporting patient complaints. It contains a specific tab for each Functional Health Pattern. Each pattern tab progresses from the importance of the pattern to individual, family, and community assessments, and includes: a section on why that pattern is important; pertinent history questions to ask to elicit relevant data; and, prioritized list of dysfunctional patterns that includes NANDA definitions with defining characteristics and related statements, NIC and NOC.It also delivers all of the features that Davis' Notes users rely on...concise, well organized, easy-to-reference content, easy-to-use spiral binding, and waterproof pages on which to record data and then wipe clean with more