Pages: 288,
Specialty: Pathology,
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer,
Publication Year: 2009,
Cover: Hardback,
Dimensions: 157.48x233.68x17.78mm
This new volume in "The Biopsy Interpretation Series" is a practical guide and bench reference for the interpretation of neck biopsies that involve thyroid and parathyroid tissue. This text covers common thyroid biopsies, parathyroid biopsies that are frequent surgical specimens, and uncommon aspirates that may be mistaken for thyroid. Coverage includes state-of-the-art information on immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostics, and laser scanning cytometry. More than 250 full-color illustrations complement this text. It includes a companion Website that provides 500 additional figures, Parathyroid Pearls, and a test bank that is ideal for board exam more