Pages: 300,
Specialty: Pharmacy,
Publisher: ASHP Eurospan,
Publication Year: 2014,
Cover: Hardback,
Dimensions: 215.9x274.32x17.78mm
A growing practice area, pediatric pharmacotherapy has been approved as a new board-certified specialty. Yet, with little clinical data on the efficacy of drugs used for children and their other special needs, these small patients can be your biggest challenge. Now there is a very effective way to assess and advance your pediatric pharmacotherapy skills, on your own time, at your own pace: ASHP's Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Self Assessment, created by Sandra Benavides, Hanna Phan, and Milap C. Nahata. Based on real-life situations, these cases present challenges in the use of supplements, OTCs, drug formulations, and all other therapies for neonates, children, and adolescents. Each case was designed to include patient-specific data for evaluation to formulate specific recommendations for all aspects of care. Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Self Assessment is a professional development tool for all areas of concern and levels of practice that can benefit you and your youngest patients for years to more