Pages: 444,
Specialty: Pharmacy,
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett,
Publication Year: 2014,
Cover: Paperback,
Dimensions: 203.2x251.46x27.94mm
Clinical Therapeutics Primer: Link to the Evidence for the Ambulatory Care Pharmacist is a valuable resource for pharmacy students, new pharmacist practitioners, and practicing pharmacists in the ambulatory setting. Organized by therapeutic concentration, this in-depth text will assist the reader in mastering the skills required to successfully assess and treat commonly encountered outpatient medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic pain, and more. Featuring over 40 practical cases and the patient-centered care approach, Clinical Therapeutics Primer provides an evidence-based field guide for applying complex concepts into best clinical practices. Key Features * Key Terms * Learning Objectives * Over 40 Sample Patient Cases * Treatment Algorithms * Key Terminology Review * Clinical Pearls * Discussion Questions * Web Resources Instructor Resources Instructor's Manual PowerPoint Presentations Test Bank Student Companion Website, including: Crossword Puzzles Interactive Flashcards Interactive Glossary Matching Exercises WebLinks Each new, print textbook includes a card with an access code for the Student Companion Website.Access to the Companion Website may also be purchased separately, under the RESOURCES tab, FOR more